Not long ago, someone leaving the house in the morning usually never forgets the wallet/purse and their keys but today, it is more importantly a mobile phone which is an essential 'take everywhere' item. Talking about mobile CRM, it lets you or your employees use mobile device to access, update and interact with customer data wherever they are. The best mobile CRM solutions would let mobile users do everything they could do with CRM at their desktop. With the growth of mobile workforces and home office workers, real-time access to information is no longer a "nice to have" but is something that is critical in order for an organization to remain competitive.
More than just streamlining internal processes, mobile CRM is also about improving the customer experience. The ability to view past buying trends, determine the status of an order, or see the date of the last item purchased, all while in the field, leads to a much more satisfying experience.
Business people are looking for CRM which can allow quick access from anywhere. The opportunity to use softwares when roaming is just awesome. You dont have to depend on your office or PC to use it anymore. No delays in getting your information whenever you want. As sales team spend most of the time on field, using CRM on mobile will be the essential tool for the business.
Businesses are using handheld devices to streamline information collection, improve the efficiency of business processes and ensure accurate corporate data. With up-to-date access to customer information, a company can deliver timely customer service across multiple touch points, including sales and customer service.
On the move, people are able to access the information and capture any important information immediately. This ensures timely and accurate information flow in the system. Mobile customer relationship management applications have the potential to enable users to efficiently manage important data, access it with ease, better enhance their opportunities to generate sales and establish solid customer relationships.