Sales force automation is a technique of using software to automate the business tasks such as sales processing, inventory control and tracking of customer interactions as well as analyzing sales forecasts and performance.
SFA can help digitize sales documents and make it easy to share information within the company, as well as with clients. It can give greater insight into customer relationships, from the demographics of a customer base to individual buying habits.
Below are some of the key points that say how SFA helps in business:
SFA enables businesses to return to meet customer demands, limit the work-related stress of sales representatives, save money, and increase sales. The purpose of SFA is to provide applications which automate business tasks that may otherwise cause strain and drain on business managers as well as their sales representatives. Sales force automation is not simply the over-reliance on software programs to complete a job, but it is the use of technologies to provide salespeople with the ability to place their customers needs at the center of focus.