Prioritize Client Intake- automate candidate scoring with Maple CRM

Maple CRM: Specialized CRM built for Immigration Consultants provides inbuilt score calculators for Canada Visa and Australia Visa processes. Assessment forms for any country Visa program can be customized in the CRM.

Maple CRM for Immigration client scoring

Leads flow in huge quantities for Immigration consultancy service providers, since it’s a booming and an always-in-demand business. Where there’s massive quantity, always there’s a possibility of dilution of quality.

Here too, there can be good, prospective leads, whereas some can even be unauthentic.

Maple CRM provides a solution to automatically score the leads based on the information received from them, categorize into the relevant Visa process and prioritize them so that the best cases can be taken up and processed earlier and faster.

How is the automatic leads scoring done?

  • Based on Client basic information
  • Based on 67 point scrore, CRS score for Canada Immigration
  • Based on 65 point score for Australia Immigration
  • Based on Custom Assessment forms for any country Immigration process
  • Any other custom filed which accounts for client prioritization

Inbuilt score calculators- CRS score , 67 point and 65 point

  • Questionnaire for the inbuilt score calculators are customizable.
  • Based on the client info, the score keeps on getting calculated at the background.
  • Upon completion of the questionnaire, the overall score is calculated by the system.
  • Score Report is generated automatically and can be shared with the client too.

CRS score calculator is inbuilt in Maple CRM and is a mandatory requirement for defining eligibility of a candidate for Canada Express Entry,

  • CRS score calculators are a pre-requisite for Canada Express Entry, and also for PNP program.
  • It becomes a complicated task for the Immigration consultant to keep a track of all the questions and their answers as per every client and then calculate the score on the same.
  • This could be erratic and prone to misses in the information.
  • Maple CRM is the best solution for CRS score assessment.
  • With inbuilt score calculator, it’s very easy for an immigration consultant to mark the answers from the candidate and the score report gets generated automatically.

Custom assessment forms for determining candidate eligibility can be defined in Maple CRM, which can be applicable for various countries.

In short, every country Visa process can be augmented with custom client scoring calculators in Maple CRM.

Client Scoring and prioritization

Based on the scores calculated as per above stated score calculators / assessment forms, client score rules can be set in Maple CRM.

As indicated above, different rules can be set and scores can be defined for the same as per the Visa program and the demand of Immigration process mandates.

Based on the calculated scores, Maple CRM prioritizes the candidates (customizable).

For example:

A custom view can be defined for all the candidates with score above 50.

This will ensure that automatically all the prospective leads will be under one group and can be taken up quickly for processing.

Other low priority leads can be kept under a different group which can be taken up later for processing.

In this way, even if any leads are unauthenticated, they too can be bundled in a separate group and can be taken up by the concerned executive to authenticate as and when time permits.

The basic idea behind this is facilitating speedy lead segregation and processing.
Manual processes usually consume a major chunk of executive’s time to sift through the leads received, enter each person’s information, manually check for the details and one-by-one take up for processing.

Maple CRM: #1 Sales and Visa Process management software for Immigration Consultants

Quick connect with Maple CRM team for a live demo of the software :

+91 953 892 5641

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