Is there a platform to manage Visa Process of Multiple Countries?

Maple CRM is your solution! Read below to know how exactly Maple CRM simplifies and customizes Visa process and task management.

Immigration Consultants who, at one point, were handling Visa process of single country (Most of the times Canada or Australia), are now taking leaps and expanding their service for immigration of multiple countries.

Their clients get multiple services under one roof and this opens gateways for them to explore more immigration possibilities.

While this is the business expansion side, a robust system is a MUST for every such Immigration Consultancy business to manage these processes aptly. CRM software is a vital requirement for management of sales and operations.

Several CRM software providers which claim themselves to be ‘IMMIGRATION CRM’ lack the facility to accommodate Visa filing and tasks involved for multiple countries processes.

Maple CRM is the solution for management of Sales + Visa Filing for each and every country immigration process, documentation and end to end case management.

Maple CRM for immigration consultants

Maple CRM is uniquely built to suit the requirements of Immigration Consultants, documentation and tasks involved under various Visa processes.

So let’s find out how Maple CRM simplifies the management of entire process for an Immigration Consultant:

  • Multi Country Visa process customization
  • Documentation as per each country regulations
  • Process Configuration for every country and every Visa Type
  • Automatic Case allocation to Visa filing officers

Multi Country Visa process Customization:

Maple CRM for Visa process management

Let’s say you are an Immigration Consultant handling Canada, Australia, UK, Germany , USA and France Visa processes. Every country will be having a unique set of tasks to be performed to have the Visa processed for multiple programs.

Each of these processes can be custom configured in terms of:
– Stages involved
– Document checklist
– Assessment forms involved
– Mandatory checks and score calculations
– Candidate eligibility checks and validations

All of these details can be custom configured in Maple CRM, mapped to the respective country program and designated to the concerned executives who are in charge of the specific process.

Documentation as per each country regulations:

With Maple CRM, you can pre-configure Agreements / Contract templates as per the Visa application requirements for every country.
With custom configured templates, document generation is a matter of just a single click. Select the required template as per the Visa type. Candidate and other details will be picked up by the document automatically and flawless agreements are created within a couple of seconds!

– Agreements can be customized with your company logo, name, color theme and pictures to be included, complete with all the details as per the mandatory requirements.

– These agreements can be shared with candidates through Client Portal for e-signing.

– The generated agreements / contracts can be accessed by managers for approval.

– These agreements/contracts are available to the client any time for download and view through the client portal.

Process Configuration for every country and every Visa Type:

Process configuration in Maple CRM means customization of every Visa type for every country, configuration of-

  • Individual tasks involved in each of them
  • Document checklist for each task
  • Mandatory checks
  • Steps of the tasks
  • Time-limit (TAT) for the tasks
  • Action to be performed automatically after the task is completed
  • Allocation of the tasks to the concerned executives

With this depth of process configuration and the configurations in it, multi country Visa process management becomes seamless, error free and quick!

Automatic Case allocation to Visa filing officers:

Pre-configure the executives who are in charge to handle the cases as per subject matter expertise. Let’s take for example that you have a Visa filing team of 5 executives, each dedicated to Visa filing for a specific country.

In Maple CRM, while configuring the process and the Visa tasks, the officers too can be pre-configured, so that whenever a case for that particular country is to filed, the concerned executive will get the notification and they can carry the work forward.

This reduces manual intervention to a great extent and on top of it also brings in automation to eliminate errors and delays,

Any escalations or concerns where in managers should be involved, can be intimated to them through the CRM. They can access the case info, key in their inputs and augment the Visa filing process to proceed.

Maple CRM is the all in one solution for Immigration Consultants for Multi Country Immigration Process Management.

Connect with us for an online demo of the system and get to know how Maple CRM is the best and the ONLY tool you require for managing your Sales as well as Visa filing team effectively and flawlessly!

Are you an Immigration Consultant who handles Canada Immigration exclusively? Check our blog on how we make the management better, quicker and accurate.

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