The future of Mobile and Cloud CRM

Mobile & Cloud being the latest buzzword of the technology is on its way in improving to much benefits and flexibility. The model is reaching many businesses in performing day to day business operations. The user experience has definitely been the important factor which has even resulted in higher demand for mobile e-commerce (or called m-commerce) and banking.

The service and network providers are on the competiting edge to deliver the mobile based cloud applications. Offering much benefits like improved bandwidth utilization, flexibility, user experience, easy connectivity it can reach most of the business users who can make the best use of the latest technology.

As we are seeing the smartphones and tablets skyrocketing over the past few years, the use of PCs is fairly coming down. All the data and functionality reside on cloud. Most of the applications that you access drives remote computing in the cloud. The technology evolution is further going to offer smaller, powerful, cheaper devices. The scale of cloud computing is expected to grow much beyond anyone’s wildest guess.

CRM or Customer Relationship Management which has emerged as a powerful business trend is going to offer much more in terms of virtualization and specialization. CRM will become deeply ingrained as a business strategy for most companies. The customers are already demanding more and more knowledge management functionality. CRM along with cloud and mobile platform has a a bright future ahead that will bring new ways to communicate, operate and strategize to manage customers and prospects.