4 Reasons why Immigration Consultants should have a CRM for lead and operations management

CRM is Customer Relationship Management software- aimed at automating the lead management, process management and performance monitoring of an organization.

Immigration consultancies- which is one of the ever-in-demand niches, have a huge amount of data, processes and updates which have to be aptly managed to ensure smooth running of the business. On top of that, with several executives working simultaneously, it’s mandatory that all the cogs are set to rotate in tandem and nothing, not a single goes astray.

What is the role played by a CRM software:

CRM software enables and enhances the workflow right from the lead capturing stage to deal closing, and also beyond sales- like providing services, after sales support, etc.

  • Auto-Capturing leads from online ads and websites
  • Assigning work processes to concerned authorities
  • Reminders and Notifications for follow ups and updates
  • Documentation- Generation and Storage
  • Operations workflow management
  • System performance monitoring

Now let’s have a look at the 4 major reasons an immigration consultancy MUST have a CRM software:

  1. Lead Management:

The throughput of leads and inquiries for immigration consultancies is too high for anyone to maintain it manually. Follow ups are missed, notes are not updated and obviously the calls and related comments are never noted down. CRM is the quickest and the surest way of having all these records in one place, reminders scheduled and automatic notifications for the tasks.

This way, the sales person doesn’t have to get burdened with brain-storing all the details, and can completely rely on the CRM software to do the work.

2.Customer Support and Service

Customer data, history and records- all are collected under one single roof- the CRM software. Smart search, priority-based organization and quick re-collection of data smoothen the process of customer service.

Any customer, for any reason drops the plan but tries to re-connect in say, after 3 months, the concerned executive can get all the details of the related account history in a matter of a couple of seconds and give a pleasant customer experience, since customers feel privileged with the priority service.

3. Record Keeping and Documentation

Conversation remarks and documents can be stored in the CRM. This functionality is more shot into focus when there’s a multitude of database, thousands of customers and huge amounts of data to be maintained.

It may need super-human brain to process all this and keep it at hand at any instant as required. Since we cannot expect Super-Man to come and do it, let’s leave it to our CRM software!
Organization of the data, storage of the documents under specific headings and transfer to the concerned authorities- all supported with CRM and with the assurance of no data loss.

4. Team Performance and productivity

Now here’s where eyes of the managers and owners can seek relevance- Monitoring how’s their team performing.

And if a software does that for them- more even- it gives analytics, notifications on any delays, plus prominent reports get deposited in their inbox regularly!

All these can be configured in CRM and can be used for the advantage of the organization.

Maple CRM : 12+ years of enhancing immigration process management, making it simpler and error free with specialised software for Immigration Consultants.

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