Contact Management System

Having contacts stored in excel or diaries? How do you think that will suffice your need of easy accessibility when required?

Join the Cloud Computing world and transform all your contacts to a centralized location into a Contact Management System and experience the advantages of reaching success without spending time on administrative work. Not only will you experience the benefits of moving to cloud but also will be opening yourself upto more organization efficiency.

Contact Management System from Maple comes with stand alone solution for Contacts as well as full fledged CRM with more features for in-depth analysis of each enquiry.
Get instant updated of your business process, automate the functions, collaborate with people combining the technology to monitor the customer behaviour & analytics and track your sales growth.

Maple provides a greater overview and helps in focussing on lead generation, closing deals and gaining expertise. Maple CRM solution streamlines and automates your business process, provides insight into sales leads and customer data, ensuring greater customer satisfaction.

To learn how CRM software can improve your business strategic goals, check out Maple features and find out.

Cloud based Contact Management System

Customers are an integral part of every business. Having quick and easy access to customer information may give your company an edge over the competition. You need to provide a technology service to all your employees to ease the process.

Implementing a Contact Management system can offer your company a complete picture of all customers at a glance. With cloud  based solution, all your employees can connect with the necessary information anywhere they go. The solution can be beneficial for large companies with multiple sales people or multiple channels to manage, as well as for small companies looking to expand and capitalize on all leads.

Another benefit of cloud based solutions, are the cost reductions. Having a Web-based platform frees companies from spending money on software, deployment, and maintenance.

Contact Management system helps in in organizing and managing your customers, so that you can focus on offering the best goods and services. Your employees can concentrate on the core business without having to worry about the tedious administrative duties. Managing customers is ease with an efficient online Contacts Management system.

How Contact Management System can help you?

  • Customer Contacts – Quickly and easily add, edit, and update information and customer records as needed.
  • Quick Search – Search quickly any information or sales lead.
  • Customer data – Keep detailed records of all customer interactions.
  • History – Get complete view of customer history and details.
  • Share information – Control who can access the customer details.
  • Resource – Allocate the customer work to different team.
  • Activities – Track all the activities and communications.
  • Connect – Connect to customers instantly through email or SMS.
Employing technology will eliminate the tedious work of administrating the process and helps in streamlining work and enables to work smarter.
Contact us today and avail a web based Contact Management System!