Buyer’s guide – how to choose the best software for your business

How a single right (or wrong) choice can affect your entire business structure

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Choosing a software for your business is lot like choosing a car for your commute.

You need to look at all the factors- Very first – usability. Then comes budget. You also need to consider the features and specifications- do they match to your requirement? Or is there any thing less or more? How will it suit you in the long run? How much will be the annual maintenance cost? Lastly- the looks! (Yeah, for some, this can be the first factor. But what if looks come at the cost of features and usability? )

All of these factors help you decide the best car for you and you’ll be happy with your choice only if all of these criteria are met.

With a software, the choice has to be much more careful. There cannot be any toying around or hasty decisions especially when the software will be imbibed in your everyday workflow. It’s going to be a part of your every day work life, your heavy dependency will be on the software. That’s why, it’s of utmost importance to make a well-thought decision.

Following prime factors MUST be considered before going for any business software:

  • Software Provider Competency and Customer Support

The company / organization who’s promising you the deliverance of your required software must be tested for their own competency. Is the company expert in the field? Do they have a strong customer support team for after- sales service?
Customer support is another major factor to consider, since sale happens only once, customer support is needed for lifetime!

So be very, very careful of choosing the provider. For example, if you’re purchasing a CRM software for your business, check the history of the provider. Check their support policies, ask questions till you are convinced that they are capable enough to give you a solid solution.

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  • Usability of the software

Now that you’ve zeroed down to a provider, ensure that the software which is being suggested by them suits your requirements COMPLETELY. The software should be easy to use, least complications and major tasks must be most easily accessible.

Features of the software must be thoroughly studied to check their function and relevance to your requirements.

Some websites which give a good review of softwares:

  1. Google (Obvious, right?)
  2. Software Suggest
  3. Techjockey
  4. G2
  • Flexibility and Customization

The software should be flexible enough to fit in your criteria, not that you need to bend and shift your workflow to fit in the software. Maximum customizability and minimum adjustment- that’s what makes the software the best choice.

  • Budget

Of course, this is THE deciding factor. But be very careful- Cheapest are not always the best.

Budget has to be considered as one of the deciding factors in a software- not the only deciding factor. What if the software costs less at the beginning, but creates huge dents in your daily operations- which results in multiple times wreckage in the business?

There are plenty of softwares which are at rock bottom price (some are even FREE. Think – why would any company give anything for free?). But decisions must be taken with a holistic approach, not a one-sided consideration.

  • Your team’s capability to adapt

This too is a good criterion to consider. How well does your team adapt to the software? It gives you the report card of the software in the form of it’s user-friendliness, adaptability and simple user interface.

The real capability of a software is in what lies underneath. Just like a Lotus flower- beautiful and simple on top, expansively complicated under the water. A software should be most simple for the user’s eyes, but highly technical, interconnected and feature packed to address the main concerns.

  • Data Security (that’s where an established software provider ranks higher)

Data security and privacy – these are the most commonly used, yet underrated words in today’s world. While it may not cause any concern for any bought out items, it’s of utmost importance when it comes to a business software. Data entered into a software is the property of the company which buys the software. So should be maintained with high security, ZERO breach and user authentications.

There are plenty of companies which say that they commit to data privacy and security. Wise choice would be to deep dive into the technicalities of it, have a word with the concerned technical person and be 100% sure that your data will be safe.

  • Reviews and Customer references

This is the good old method. Humans tend to believe what others, of their same requirements, have to say about a specific provider.

Go ahead. There’s nothing wrong in it! Get the reviews checked online, call upon customer references and shoot your concerns. Once convinced, only then make the right choice!

Hope this helps gain a good understanding of considerations in choosing the right software. Great choices lead to great results! Be wise!

Maple CRM is the highest rated CRM software among industry leaders. With 12+ years of Industry experience and global spread of customers, Maple CRM has been ascending towards becoming the top rated CRM provider with great features, great pricing and unparalleled Customer Support.

Get in touch with Maple CRM expert today and get your Sales and Process management sorted!

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