Documents management and generation with CRM software

Maple CRM- Specialized software for Immigration Consultants to manage Sale and Operations.

With the humongous amount of candidates applying for Immigration and re-location services worldwide, the need for maintaining documents is spiralling up. It poses to be a critical parameter to gauge the authenticity and reliability of an Immigratioin Consultancy business.

Immigration Consultants can be assured of the best solution for Document management, security and storage with a software which is designed for the specific purpose.

Maple CRM – software specialized for Immigration consultants for management of Client data, documents, history and Visa Application details.

How does a CRM software facilitate Document management?

Secured Storage

  • Uploading documents of the clients and storing under their file name
  • Easy searching and quick display of uploaded documents
  • Record of who uploaded the document, time stamp and size details
  • Access control to ensure unauthorized access to documents

Document Generation

  • Documents can be generated, formatted and themed as per company norms.
  • As per requirements, various templates can be configured and used as ready made references while creating documents.
  • Templates can be further made accurate with macros enabled fields, like Client’s name, Email ID, Contact number, Service opted, etc.
  • These macros can be picked up automatically by the document generator and placed in the specified fields in the document.
  • Access control for document generation and editing can be defined and ensured authorized access only.
  • Custom documents, agreements, contracts, etc. can be generated withing just a few seconds with a document generator.

Check how Maple CRM enables quick and flawless document generation. Schedule for an online Demo as per your convenient time!

Document checklist

  • A checklist of all the documents as per the requirement can be configured and kept as a reference in handy every time an executive uploads the client docs.
  • Documents mandatory for the service can be marked in the software so as to eliminate any possibility of a miss.
  • If in case any documents are missing, the system pops up error/warning messages, notifying the executive.
  • Updates of the documents can be accessed by the concerned authorities, who can check and authenticate.

Document archiving and retrieval

  • It’s of utmost importance that the documents are secured, stored and archived as required even though the client is no longer associated with the company.
  • Archiving of of non-active documents can be done in a CRM software.
  • Secured and controlled access to storage ensures protection of documents, no matter how long they’re stored in the software.
  • Quick search of documents based on keywords, users, client names and types can be used for retrieval.

A CRM software proves to be of great assistance for any business, especially for Immigration consultants, where the upheaval of documents is frequent and in big quantities.

Documents of are critical importance, need stringent privacy checks and security. Gone are the days when documents were stored in files and locked in mounting storages with interconnected locks. In this supersonic speedy world, there’s no doubt that right from creating a document to archiving them- all should be gone through a proper workflow, marked with details authenticating the entries, securely stored and access controlled all the time.

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