Multiple countries, multiple Visa Application processes: Complete case file management with Maple CRM

All in one software for Immigration Consultants: Sales and Operations streamlined with Maple CRM

Maple CRM for visa application process
Complete case file management with Maple CRM

Immigration, Visa Application process, Re-settlement services – Immigration Consultants worldwide are hooked upon these words 24 x 7. The expanse of aspirants for Immigration services, the processes involved in the Visa application and documents related to them form a massive database management routine for every Immigration Consultant on the surface of the earth.

Maple CRM – specialized software for Immigration Consultants weighs it’s contribution in this stringent task by providing COMPLETE CASE FILE MANAGEMENT for Visa application processes.

There are 4 major parts of any Immigration process:

  1. Sales
  2. Documentation
  3. Operations- Visa Process
  4. Payments

Check how effectively and accurately Sales and Documentation is managed with Maple CRM.

Workflow process Immigration Consultancy by and large constitutes the above mentioned 4 modules- the sales part, where in the lead arrives, communication between the lead and the sales executive begins. For further authentication, documents are collected from the lead and checked for the mandatory requirements.

If all is found well and matches with the Visa program opted, the case is forwarded for Visa filing process.

Now speaking of the Visa Filing process, there can be multitudes of versions and related sub processes involved.

  • Country-wise Visa processes
  • Various Visa types- Family, Spouse, Re-settlement, Work Permit, PR, etc.
  • Visa for studying abroad
  • Special Visa programs initiated by certain countries
  • Pilot programs
  • Refugees and Asylum seekers

With a wide variety of Visa and it’s types, there HAS to be a system which accommodates all the requirements, Visa tasks, document types, mandatory checks, record history of aspirant and connected family members processes too!

Maple CRM has the unique capability of customizing each Visa process exactly as required. Based on country and Visa type, one can define the order of the steps right from Registration of candidate upto visa stamping. Payments and documentation too can be custom configured for each and every organization.

So what exactly does COMPLETE CASE FILE MANAGEMENT mean?

As can be seen in the screenshot above, you can configure multi country visa process in Maple CRM.
As simple as it sounds, so is to configure too!
Below are the custom configuration options provided:

1.Define the Visa Type :

  • Different countries host different Visa programs. Canada, for instance, has Visa programs for PR, Express Entry, Spouse, Work Permit, etc.
  • Maple CRM provides customization where Visa types can be defined for every country. Visa type defining will open configuration options for further customization as stated below.
  • In a nutshell- Any country, every visa type- configure as per requirement.

2. Configure tasks- name, chronological order and mandatory checks

Define Visa Types and Visa Process task names

  • Once the Visa type gets defined, then comes configuring custom tasks for the Visa process. So how are we to help you customize the tasks? Read below:
  1. As per the Visa Type, all the steps included can be named and their order can be defined.
  2. Example: Registration, Documentation, Candidate assessment, etc.
  3. Mandatory checks can be configured, eg.: Documents, minimum age requirement, experience, etc.
  4. If any other step is to be included – like payments- can be inserted as required in middle of these Visa tasks. This will ensure that the executives DO NOT miss on any step and any payment.
Maple CRM Case management actions

Quick actions for ongoing Viwsa

3. Generate Skill Assessment Forms if applicable

  • Work Permit Visas specially require additional assessment of the candidate. This is so that the proper candidate is placed in the proper job profile.
  • Skill Assessment is a pivotal step in this process.
  • With Maple CRM – you can create custom Skill Assessment forms- as per the intended countries rules and norms. Job requirements, educational qualifications, experience details and any other required data field can be defined in the assessment form for qualifying the aptness of the candidate for the Visa.
  • These forms can be shared via Client Portal (View Details Here) and can be auto filled in the CRM once the client shares it back over the portal.

4. Augment the tasks with a TIME LINE

  • CRM software is meant to make processes effective and accurate.
    Time-bound process tasks are a great way to ensure that the processes are completed with a set time frame.
  • These time frames can be pre-configured in Maple CRM.
  • Every time a Visa process task is added, all the user has to do is just key in the no. of days approximately required for that task.
  • The date on which that tasks begins for a client, the number of days are calculated and time-bound task for that client thus commences.
  • If the tasks overshoot the set period, immediately managers get notified and action can be taken accordingly.

5. Assign tasks to executives

Maple CRM automates the process by assigning the tasks one after the other to the concerned executives.

  • While defining the Visa tasks, define the concerned executive (who will be included in the user’s list of in CRM).
  • This executive will be notified when the tasks gets assigned to them.
  • Executive can update the status of the task as it goes ahead towards completion.
  • Task status can be viewed by the managers
  • Executives can include other team members in the task if required at any time.

6. Documentation and Payments

  • Maple CRM provides the facility to upload client’s documents in the CRM, label them as required and store securely under the client’s account.
  • There’s also a functionality to GENERATE AGREEMENTS / CONTRACTS for the clients.
  • Custom configured document generation– one of the majorly used and appreciated features of Maple CRM. (Connect for more details)
  • Part payments, Advance payments, Installments, Complete payments- can be managed, defined with dates and receipts can be generated as required.
  • Payment reminders can be sent to the clients as well as the operations executive on the predefined dates.

Maple CRM not only automates, but also enhances and empowers the workflow for Immigration Consultants. Connect with our CRM expert today and get an online demo of the software.

Do not wait to take your business up a notch! Boost the productivity of your team TODAY!!

Maple CRM: #1 Sales and Visa Process management software for Immigration Consultants

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