Reviving Old Sales Leads!

Every business or the sales team faces this – seeing the dead leads going to waste! We know that list of leads are like gold mines which can bring possible revenues. A significant time spent and there goes a huge lead list which never turned out to be potential or once promised but went on negative at a later stage. Or you yourself had missed it out without realizing.

No matter what, this list goes down with no hope of revival. Before you let it go, why not see how to revive even the coldest of leads.

Don’t forget them

Be in constant touch with the lead whether they buy it or not. Do not let the lead get cold because of no proper follow ups. In defined intervals of time, stay in touch with the prospect by adding value in the form of newsletters or articles that they can find it interesting. Or even inviting to some events or webinars. This way, the lead does not feel that you are contacting them only when they need to renew or make payments. By following up, you stand a chance of standing out.

Conversation matters 

Every old lead has to be reviewed once in a while. It’s like everytime you open the old lead, you can probably see if there is a better chance at this moment and it is a worthwhile to give it a shot.

Not all cold leads are worth. If it was not a qualified lead, then do no waste any time there. But if it was a pre-qualified, you should definitely give it a try.

Never Give Up

Getting some reaction is a good sign, whether it is positive or negative. Many a times negatives can be converted into positives by just continuing to pursue them.

It’s important to remember that reconnecting with a client – no matter how you do it – is an opportunity.

So bottom line is that cold prospects are worth pursing and there are many strategies that one can put in place to revive the opportunity that is lying there.

Need some help on how to strategically improve your lead follow ups and sales process? Consult us today! Call + 91 95389 25641 or drop an email to

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