Smart way of Customer Management

If you are thinking that managing business and customers is a difficult process, then you haven’t used a CRM solution yet. Get to know Maple CRM and see how it can simplify your business process. It can make your business life so much easier. That’s not only to it. With Maple CRM, you can go mobile to stay connected to your customers quickly, track the status, etc. while on the go.

Simplifying your work process

Automating the work process

One of the biggest daunting task that you face everyday is to find ease to do things. But here in Maple, we have worked our way out to make it easy for you do different tasks from the same window. For example, updating customer details & history, sending email, updating status, re-assigning it other user, adding reminders, etc. can all be tedious if you have to switch windows to perform these. Maple not only makes it simple but also captures these updates automatically for your record.

Easier Customer Interactions

Email and SMS interactionMaple enables easy interaction with customers through email and sms. Create intuitive HTML email templates and use them to send instant mailers to your leads and customers. Same goes with SMS. Just have it ready before in hand and send it when needed.

Secure Document Storage

We know that there are many bills, valuable files, quotations, brochures that you may have designed and sent it to your customers and you would want to store all of them for future reference. What better way to attach it along with your customer details in your CRM system. Way too easy for you to locate it when you need it.

There are much more to add to the list. Plus more new features are coming up soon. Stay tuned in and do like our Facebook page.

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