+91 95389 25641 | info@maplecrm.com

CRM Solution for Accountants and Tax Advisors

A tax advisor is a financial expert specially trained in tax law and an accountant is a practitioner of accountancy. Accounting is a process of preparing financial statements for decision makers that helps managers, investors, tax authorities and others to make decisions about allocating resources.

Accounting firms need to store and process financial and accounting data. CRM helps here in tracking the whole work flow, manage the documents well, improve work productivity, etc.

So how Maple CRM can help Accountants and Tax advisors to improve the business volume?

  1. Manage database of all the clients (grouping them into different categories like type of job, work process etc).
  2. Manage different types of documents.
  3. Customer contact details.
  4. Assignment of work and activities to employees.
  5. Monitor the whole work process.
  6. Generate daily, weekly or monthly reports to understand the business flow.
  7. SMS to update the Audit/Service Status.
  8. Search client details whenever required.
  9. SMS alert to clients on tax filing, due dates etc.

We believe in simplicity and our main objective is to develop softwares that simplifies the life of small corporate managements.

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