+91 95389 25641 | info@maplecrm.com

CRM Solution for Pharmaceutical Companies

Today in India, Pharma Industry rank's first of India's science-based industries with wide ranges of capabilities in the complex field of drug manufacture and technology.

The Indian Pharma Industry has around 70% of the country's demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates, pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets and capsules.

So how Maple CRM can help Pharmaceutical Companies to improve the business volume?

  1. Promote all your products/ services on a regular basis to the vendors through SMS or email.
  2. Integrate website or any web page to Maple CRM for generating leads automatically.
  3. Virtual call center Using ZipDial Toll free to run a virtual call center.
  4. Customer Support Management.
  5. Contact Manager for storing all contacts.
  6. Attach any type of documents (bills, quotations, etc)
  7. Tracking, storing and monitoring customer behaviour and interest.

We believe in simplicity and our main objective is to develop softwares that simplifies the life of small corporate managements.

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