+91 95389 25641 | info@maplecrm.com

Web based CRM Solution for Finance Companies

Financial banking is the science of managing money and other assets pertaining to a specific business. Banks facilitate transactions on sophisticated financial instruments such as private equity, bonds and mutual funds.

In addition to traditional banks, other financial institutions such as credit unions, trust companies, mortgage loan companies, insurance companies, brokerage firms and asset management firms also offer a host of financial advice. Today the Indian capital market is considered as a mature market and among the fastest growing markets in the world.

The vast majority of banks and financial institutions now realize they need a customer strategy and are opting for CRM( Customer Relationship Management). Financial firms find it almost impossible to have a complete and holistic view of their customers and that makes them unable to identify the customers criteria.

So how Maple CRM can help Financial Services Industry to improve the business volume?

  1. Manage database of all the customers and group them into different categories.
  2. Use ZipDial Toll free to run a virtual call center.
  3. Identification of potential customers and tracking them.
  4. Easy access to customer related information at anytime.
  5. Tracking and monitoring the financial deals.
  6. Facilitate customers to get SMS and email on service process.
  7. SMS alerts and reminders to customers for payments.
  8. Facilitate people to subscribe to your updates via website or SMS.
  9. Advertise special offers, regular tips to the targeted customers.
  10. Generate daily, weekly or monthly report to know the business progress.

We believe in simplicity and our main objective is to develop softwares that simplifies the life of small corporate managements.

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